HomeCrochet BlanketCrochet Watercolor Blanket

Crochet Watercolor Blanket

Crochet Watercolor Blanket is the pattern that we are presenting for those who, like me love to spend hours creating the most types of crochet patterns, however this is not my creation or someone else’s, this pattern actually came from wilowyarns.com with their DESIGNER BY RAE BLACKLEDGE that you can find several types of other threads that can guarantee you a good crochet to make. Let’s talk a little about the pattern then?

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Crochet Watercolor Blanket

Crochet is one of the wonders created by man when it comes to clothing, but of course for man to come up with these lines he was inspired by the greatest creator of all, God. Have you ever stopped to think how our hands flex, how our fingers move in chronological order, and how our eyes adapt when doing any crochet work?

Crochet Watercolor Blanket
Crochet Watercolor Blanket

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So we can say that crochet is indeed a creation given by God to each one of us who love to make traces of the most different and varied shapes to form what we like to wear, or what we do to earn a living for the family.

Well, but now we need to talk about this Crochet Watercolor Blanket, do you agree? Let’s talk about how it was well made and structured. Sometimes for a crochet pattern to be very good, it is necessary to know the technique used, or simply to make a perfect marriage of the colors we want to use, even though it is a basic and very simple stitch.

What really caught my attention in this pattern was the PDF. That’s right! The PDF was so well elaborated that in two pages we could understand how the pattern is made, the lines used, the abbreviations of the stitches, gauge, or rounds, all very simple!

The origins of this ancient art are still uncertain. Some believe that its emergence took place in prehistoric times, others that it was 1500 years before Christ, and some say that crochet has existed since humans began civilizations. Regardless of when it was, it has been in history for thousands of years.

There are indications that in the beginning, crochet existed for male clothing, geared towards hunting and fishing, and the art was done only with the fingers.

The technique was performed by humble people, which led to its devaluation. It was seen as a cheaper way to create lace and bobbin, which were extremely expensive and luxurious. Until Queen Victoria (pictured above), of England, started buying the pieces and learned how to produce them, which changed the mentality of the people of the time and put the pieces on the fashion level.

Due to the French Revolution, the technique also began to be spread to the nobility, becoming a hobby and then widely accepted by the nobility.

One of the most remarkable crochet was the Irish crochet, because during the Great Famine period (19th century), the population lived in precarious working and living conditions, and the planting could no longer occur due to the potato disease, which resulted in thousands of people dying of hunger.

The dissemination of the technique helped save many families, where men, women and children learned to crochet during the period and began to support their homes.  Schools were created and teachers trained to teach the techniques around the country to enable thousands of families to survive a period that reduced the Irish population by up to 25%.

That is where some people think and can swear that Watercolor Crochet came from. So what are your thoughts on the origin of this crochet, in fact the stitches of this crochet. And with respect to our Crochet Watercolor Blanket pattern, what we can say is make yours to your liking, using your favorite colors. So download now and have fun.[opd id=”6″]

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